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Verschlagwortet: Global History

Port Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean

By Malte Fuhrmann. Port city studies have developed many radical reinterpretations of the Middle East or Southeast Europe, but these have made little inroads into the mainstream. With my book, I aim to rise to that challenge by readdressing an issue of classic political and social history of the nineteenth century – that is, the issue of Europeanization.

“As a Historian, the Archive Remains the Foundation of My Practice” – 5in10 with Pascale Siegrist

Pascale Siegrist joined the GHI London in October 2020. She is an intellectual historian interested in the margins of the canon; her first book project deals with the ‘global’ thought of fin-de-siècle anarchists. At the GHI London she is developing a new project on the worlds of invented languages.