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Verschlagwortet: Events

Academic Freedom in India and China

In the last panel of the conference of the Max Weber Stiftung, 2024, Sebastian Schwecke (MWF Delhi) and Ravi Ahuja (University of Göttingen) spoke with Dagmar Schäfer (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) about “Academic Freedom in In…

Chinese-European Academic Lecture No. 204

Technical learning is most often perceived as the result of pedagogical, scientific and experiential processes that seek efficiency and rely on clarity and transparency to guarantee success. The master makes the right gestures for an attentive apprentice who observes them in order to reproduce them. This lecture seeks to show, on the contrary, that a large part of the acquisition of technical skills is less about science, effective pedagogy and clarity than it is about magic, aesthetics and poetry. Using a variety of examples from […]

Humanities in Dialogue on “Trust – naive or necessary”

One topic, three perspectives – On Tuesday, 29 October, 2024 ‘Trust’ was discussed in the Saxon Academy of Science and Humanities, Leipzig. Moderated by Ine Dippmann (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) Landesfunkhaus Sachsen, Ute Frevert, Sebastian Schweck…