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Verschlagwortet: digital humanities

How to write with your Blog and through your Blog

Writer’s block is a common experience among academics and other writers alike, let alone students. I have suffered from it numerous times while preparing—and I still am—my book proposal and the corresponding manuscript. And I experienced this blog as much a distraction from doing those more important things as an aide to progressing with those things. And today I will just relate some of those experiences and how one can use a blog to one’s advantage in writing, especially when long-term projects are concerned. … Continue reading How to write with your Blog and through your Blog

Creating a Workflow for Workflows? Ein Experiment mit dem Standardization Survival Kit

von Alexander Buerstedde (Münster), Friederike Odenwald (Frankfurt am Main) und Elena Suárez Cronauer (Mainz) Unter dem Titel »Autobiographische Quellen aus Kriegen digital untersuchen« hat die diesjährige Digital Humanities Master Class des Deutschen Historischen Instituts…