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Verschlagwortet: digital humanities

Job vacancy: LAWHA research assistant

We are looking for a research assistant to assist LAWHA’s research team in preparing the Database and Digital Platform for publication, including digitisation and organisation of archival material, and data entry revolving around the trajectories…

Web Scraping and Digital Archives: A Program for the Retrieval of the Transcripts of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia

By Katarina Ristić and Nikola Ristić. Digital archives have created a number of opportunities for researchers, from accessing files and material collections irrespective of the archive’s location, to the possibility to search and obtain large amounts of material in a short time. At the same time, digital collections might be overwhelming, amounting to hundreds or even thousands of files which might be of interest for the research.

Semantic Geo-Annotation for Ancient History and Beyond

By Elton Barker. Sometime in the second century CE, Pausanias of Magnesia wrote the Periegesis Hellados (Description of Greece). Representing a unique deep dive into ancient Greece’s built environment to the level of individual statues and paintings, this text projects a tour of the Greek mainland in ten books, from Attica (I) to Phocis (X), in a clockwise circuit around the Peloponnese.

Das Quartier Richelieu – Geschichte erlebbar machen

Zwischen Louvre und Börse, zwischen Architektur und kommerziellem Alltag: Der Aufarbeitung der Geschichte eines Pariser Viertels mitten im Herzen der Stadt in all seinen Facetten widmet sich ein Forschungsprojekt des Deutschen Forums für Kunstgeschichte Paris (DFK Paris) und weiterer Partnerinstitutionen. Die Entwicklung des Quartiers Richelieu soll über eine Online-Datenbank in ihrer ganzen Komplexität zugänglich und gleichermaßen verständlich gemacht werden. Der Direktor des DFK Paris, Thomas Kirchner, und Charlotte Duvette, die seit Februar 2021 Koordinatorin des Projekts am Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA) ist, berichten von den Zielen des Vorhabens sowie von den Herausforderungen, die die digitale Rekonstruktion der Geschichte des Quartiers birgt.

Towards a Truly Global Digital Humanities

By Diana Roig-Sanz. The idea that the digital humanities enjoy a global scope remains utopian. Most of the departments and research institutions that house postgraduate studies, summer schools, international conferences, and scientific journals on the matter remain anchored in the Global North, especially in certain countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.

Statistics For Historians

We are pleased to offer scholars and students of history access to two free online modules providing instruction in digital humanities methods and techniques. This second course introduces historians to statistical methods and quantitative analysis tools that can be used alone or in conjunction with text mining, detailed in the first course.

„Deine Welt ist eine andere geworden“

Wie verstehen und prägen Menschen die Welt, die an Migrationsprozessen beteiligt sind? Forscherinnen und Forscher am Deutschen Historischen Institut in Washington (DHI Washington) untersuchen im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts den Wissensaustausch deutschsprachiger Migrantinnen und Migranten in den USA im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Dabei spielen auch die Möglichkeiten der Digitalen Geschichte eine zentrale Rolle.

Retracing Professional Mobility: Historical Network Analysis through CERD

By Thorben Pelzer. If sinology was a religion (which, despite its dogmas, it probably is not), the 15-volume Cambridge History of China could well serve as its holy scripture. Published over the course of over forty years, each of its well over a hundred chapters provides an authoritative overview of a particular topic.