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Verschlagwortet: Allgemein

Fellowship at Global Dis:Connect

LAWHA’s Principal Investigator Nadia von Maltzahn has started a six-months fellowship at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg global dis:connect (gd:c) in Munich, taking place from 15 October 2024 to 15 April 2025. The global dis:connect research centre exa…

In my End is my Beginning: Dialectical Images in Times of Crisis

6th Postgraduate International Conference, PhD Programme in the History of Arts, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Ashraf Osman and Flavia Malusardi are participating in the 6th postgraduate international conference of the PhD Programme in the His…

ARTISTIC HUBS in and of the Arab Region

LAWHA International Conference Orient-Institut Beirut, 3-5 June 2024 LAWHA’s international conference “Artistic Hubs in and of the Arab Region” starts from the perception that Beirut of the 1950s to 1970s is often referred to as the Arab capital of cul…

MWS Conference on Harmful Entanglements

The conference on »Harmful Entanglements« aims to answer to the unacknowledged conditions of entanglement’s conceptual ubiquity, or, with other words, its own ‘entanglement’ in a particular political context. Arguably, the study of and the various appr…

On Taswir or the Inherently Incomplete

Conference organized by the Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan Chair for Arabic and Islamic Studies and the Department of Fine Arts and Art History (FAAH) at the American University of Beirut Beirut, 11 May 2024, AUB College Hall B1 Conference..…

The Rise of the Sursock Museum

Osman, Ashraf. ‘The Rise of the Sursock Museum: The Power of the Image to Create an Image of Power’. A Driving Force. On the Rhetoric of Images and Power, 22 December 2023. Find Ashraf Osman’s artic…

AWARE: Yvette Achkar

AWARE Archives of Women Artists Research & Exhibitions published an entry on Yvette Achkar in late 2023, written by Nadia von Maltzahn: Thank you to everyone who has shared information on Yvet…

Diana Jeha joins LAWHA

Diana Jeha has joined the LAWHA team as a research assistant in October 2023. Diana is a Lebanese visual artist and art historian, holding a PhD in History of Art from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik/Lebanon and a masters degree...