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Reimagining the Maghreb: Navigating an Autonomous Region in Motion

By Julius Dihstelhoff, Rachid Ouaissa, and Thomas Richter. The Maghreb has been shaped and influenced by external powers and forces throughout most phases of its recent history. As a vibrant space in motion, this world region is only at the beginning of a long process of carving out its own future autonomous role. Historically, the Maghreb has faced internal tensions due to acute disparities and complex external interlinkages with surrounding regions. These tensions are crucial for understanding contemporary transformation processes and future dynamics.

The Questions that Remain: Conjectures on Cultivating a Relationship to the Published Book

By Maha AbdelMegeed. While the author’s relationship to their work in-progress is fluid with murky boundaries between what is intended and what is actually there, situating an author in position to their published work is just as tricky. Whenever I am asked to write or speak about my recently published first monograph Literary Optics: Staging the Collective in the Nahda (SUP, 2024), I take it as an invitation to cultivate a relationship to the work anew.

28. August 1624: Wie man ein neues Regiment schafft, ohne Söldner anzuwerben

So lange der Krieg nun schon dauerte, so lange gab es auch Überlegungen, die Truppenstärke der Katholischen Liga zu reduzieren1. Auf diese Weise Kosten zu sparen, stellte ein berechtigtes Anliegen aller Ligastände dar. Daneben bot die Armee der Liga auch die Chance, eigene Vertraute und Favoriten zu fördern und ihre Karrieren voranzutreiben2. Im Sommer 1624 war letzteres das Hauptmotiv für die Schaffung eines neues Regiments. Ausgelöst wurde dies durch entsprechende Bitten des Kurfürsten von Mainz. Er machte sich dafür stark, daß Adam Philipp von … „28. August 1624: Wie man ein neues Regiment schafft, ohne Söldner anzuwerben“ weiterlesen

Dual-Intent Approach to Ukrainians Abroad: A Post-Script to the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024

By Lidia Kuzemska. Berlin was an epicentre of Ukraine-focused events in June 2024. Apart from the massive Ukraine Recovery Conference with over 3400 participants gathered with the intent “to strengthen the resilience of Ukraine for as long as needed” (URC, 2024), numerous pre, side and post-events took place across the city. Smaller publics, targeted discussions and less scripted opinion exchanges were also a chance for Ukrainians abroad to reflect on their role in the recovery of their homeland.

Friendship in Dark Times: Fragments on Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim Literatures

By Zahiye Kundos. “Now, as a group of people who are obsessed with the idea that history matters, we can agree that in the last few months, the aforementioned big hopes have been receiving a series of electric shocks. Thereafter, the word ‘return’ and the question mark disappeared, leaving ‘exile’ standing alone, naked on an empty stage. By then, and while becoming perplexed about the title’s orientation and the exact concepts to tackle, our hosts first suggested talking about “Rethinking Jewish Politics: Between Exile and Sovereignty” and then changed it to “Between State and Exile: Rethinking Jewish Politics.” In other words, when a black hole flashes (as if suddenly), old habits show up (as if they had disappeared). The old-aged “between” was called back on stage and brought with it the swing of our existence, the pending status between past and present, inside and outside.”

22. August 1624: Geschütze als Handelsgut

Ein Krieg brachte immer Hindernisse für den Handel mit sich. Gravierend waren die Überfälle auf Handelskonvois, die den Warenaustausch insgesamt gefährdeten und die Geschäfte verteuerten1. Zu den vielfältigen Problemen, die eine Kriegssituation für Kaufleute mit sich brachte, liefert die Episode Kölner Händler aus dem Sommer 1624 eine weitere Nuance. Geschildert wurde der Vorfall in einem Schreiben der Reichsstadt Köln an die Infantin in Brüssel, in dem die Stadt für ihre Händler eintrat und um Wiedergutmachung bat; die Ereignisse waren offenbar noch ganz frisch, „vor … „22. August 1624: Geschütze als Handelsgut“ weiterlesen