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readme.txt: Mikrogeschichten der Erinnerungskultur: „Am grünen Strand der Spree“ und die Remedialisierung des Holocaust by bullets

Lesen, Schreiben und Publizieren sind die Essenz von „Geisteswissenschaften als Beruf“. In der Rubrik readme.txt stellen wir die Publikationen der Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Max Weber Stiftung vor. Vier kurze Fragen und Antworten machen…

readme.txt: Reformer als Wertegemeinschaften. Zur diskursiven Formierung einer sozialen Gruppe im spätangelsächsischen England (ca. 850–1050)

Lesen, Schreiben und Publizieren sind die Essenz von „Geisteswissenschaften als Beruf“. In der Rubrik readme.txt stellen wir die Publikationen der Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Max Weber Stiftung vor. Vier kurze Fragen und Antworten machen…

[Review] 程浩《有为言之:先秦“书”类文献的源与流》(Cheng Hao: Speaking of their Actions. The Origin and Spread of pre-Qin Documentary-type Texts)

Cheng Hao 程浩, You wei yan zhi: xian Qin “shu” lei wenxian de yuan yu liu 有为言之:先秦“书”类文献的源与流 (Speaking of their Actions: The Origin and Spread of pre-Qin Documentary-type Texts), Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju 中华书局, 2021. ISBN: 978 7 101 15301 9; 381 pages, 76 RMB. Reviewed by Rens Krijgsman (Research and Conservation Center for Unearthed Texts, Tsinghua University) This stimulating book originated as a Ph.D. thesis written under the supervision of the late professor Li Xueqin 李学勤 (1933–2019). My colleague Cheng Hao’s work shows a […]

[Review] 劉尊志《漢代墓外設施研究:以王侯墓葬与中小型墓葬為参考》(Liu Zunzhi: Auxiliary Surrounding Structures of Han Dynasty Tombs. Case Studies on Tombs of the Nobility and Small- and Medium-Sized Tombs)

Liu Zunzhi 劉尊志, Handai mu wai sheshi yanjiu: Yi wanghou muzang yu zhong-xiaoxing muzang wei cankao 漢代墓外設施研究:以王侯墓葬与中小型墓葬為参考 (Auxiliary Surrounding Structures of Han Dynasty Tombs. Case Studies on Tombs of the Nobility and Small- and Medium-Sized Tombs), Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe 科學出版社, 2021. ISBN 978-7-03-068149-2; 718 pages, 278 RMB. Reviewed by Eric Bouteiller (PhD candidate EPHE-PSL, CRCAO) This timely book shines a new light on archaeology of the Han period (206 BCE–220 CE), collecting almost all the recently published data concerning above-ground funerary features of tombs […]

[Review] 聂溦萌《中古官修史体制的运作与演进》 (Nie Weimeng: Zhonggu guanxiushi tizhi de yunzuo yu yanjin)

  Nie Weimeng 聂溦萌, Zhonggu guanxiushi tizhi de yunzuo yu yanjin 中古官修史体制的运作与演进 (On the Operations and Development of the System of Compiling Official Historiography During the Middle Ages), Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe 上海古籍出版社, 2021. ISBN 978–7–5325–9887–8, 388 pages, 108 RMB. Reviewed by Paul Fahr (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)  The study of medieval Chinese historiography appears to be a lively field of research in present day Mainland China. To name but one title, in 2012 Xu Chong 徐冲 published his On the Writing of History and the Sources of Imperial Power During the Middle Ages.[1] With the publication under […]

[Review] 刘瑾玉《翻译、概念与经济:严复译〈国富论〉研究》(Liu Jinyu: Translation, Concepts and Economy: A Study on Yan Fu Translating ‘The Wealth of Nations’)

Liu Jinyu 刘瑾玉, Fanyi, gainian yu jingji: Yan Fu yi ‘Guofu lun’ yanjiu 翻译、概念与经济:严复译《国富论》研究 (Translation, Concepts and Economy: A Study on Yan Fu Translating The Wealth of Nations). Beijing: Shehui Kexue Wenxian Chubanshe 社会科学文献出版社, 2021. ISBN: 978-7-5201-7846-4; 634 pages, 198 RMB. Reviewed by Stefan Christ (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) Yan Fu (1854–1921) has long been seen as a pivotal figure in the transitional period of late Qing and early Republican China. His translations of important Western works like Thomas Henry Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics or John […]

[Book Review] Chen Zhenghong’s book series about the “Records of the Chroniclers”

Chen Zhenghong 陈正宏, Shikong: ‘Shiji’ de benji, biao yu shu 时空:《史记》的本纪,表与书 (Time and Space: The Basic Annals, Tables and Treatises of the Records of the Chroniclers), Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju 中华书局 2020. ISBN 978-7-1011-3965-5, 297 pages, 45 RMB. Chen Zhenghong 陈正宏, Xueyuan: ‘Shiji‘ de shijia 血缘:《史记》的世家 (Blood Lines: The Hereditary Houses of the Records of the Chroniclers), Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju 2021. ISBN 978-7-1011-5143-5, 278 pages, 42 RMB. reviewed by Hans van Ess (Universität München) There is no scarcity of scholarly books on the Records of […]