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Kategorie: DHI London

Too German for Holocaust Research?

Alfred Wiener and Louis de Jong on the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, 1952 In October 1952, Alfred Wiener and Louis de Jong compared notes on the still relatively new Institute for Contemporary History in Munich (Institut für Zeitgeschichte, IfZ), wonder…

The Welsh Fasting Girl: A Morbid Spectacle

The story of Sarah Jacob is a tragic one.1 On 17 December 1869, when she was not yet 13 years old, she died of starvation. There was no shortage of food or unwillingness to provide her with food, had she asked for it. Her family, trained nurses, and ma…

The German Naval Memorial in Laboe

The German Naval Memorial in Laboe, a coastal town in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, is dedicated to those who have lost their lives at sea. It was first envisioned as a national memorial to German sailors who were killed in the line of duty during the F…

Philip Quaque in Cape Coast 1766–1816

Cape Coast Castle is one of more than thirty forts which European trading companies erected on the coast of modern-day Ghana between the fifteenth and the nineteenth century. The castle has long been a symbol of one of the most heinous crimes in histor…

#MWSLieblingsorte: Londoner East End

In der Reihe #MWSLieblingsorte stellen die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Institute der Max Weber Stiftung ihre ganz persönlichen Lieblingsorte vor. Durch ihren Wissenschaftsbezug werden die Spezifika der jeweiligen Wissenschaftskultur der Institutsstandorte sichtbar gemacht –…