Chinese-European Academic Lecture No. 205
中国的手工业与传统工艺源远流长,先秦时期就形成了比较完备的手工业体系和匠作制度。中国工匠以精湛的技艺,为社会创造了丰厚的物质财富,我们今天见到的物质文化遗产,大多出自古代工匠之手。许多文物做工极为精巧,显示出古代工匠高超的技艺水平。伴随匠作制度和古代工艺的传承发展,形成了我国独特的匠作文化和工匠精神。工匠精神在当代的缺失,制约了我国制造业的进一步发展。重新审视中国的传统工艺与匠作传统,溯源中国的工匠精神,弘扬中国工匠文化的优良传统,是当今时代的需要。本讲座通过梳理中国传统工艺与工匠文化传统的形成与发展脉络,揭示匠作传统中的工匠精神及其内涵,探讨如何通过继承和弘扬中国的工匠精神,重构工匠文化,使工匠精神在现代生产和文化建设中发挥积极的作用。 Traditional crafts and trades have a long history in China, dating back to the pre-Qin period when a whole system of practices was formed. Much of today’s material cultural heritage is rooted in the skills of ancient craftsmen, who gave shape to a craft culture unique to China. But in our time, the dramatic decline of craftsmanship in productive practices is a weakness for the development of China’s manufacturing industry. This is why we need to revisit traditional craft practices, in order to […]