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Kategorie: Institute

Chinese-European Academic Lecture No. 205

中国的手工业与传统工艺源远流长,先秦时期就形成了比较完备的手工业体系和匠作制度。中国工匠以精湛的技艺,为社会创造了丰厚的物质财富,我们今天见到的物质文化遗产,大多出自古代工匠之手。许多文物做工极为精巧,显示出古代工匠高超的技艺水平。伴随匠作制度和古代工艺的传承发展,形成了我国独特的匠作文化和工匠精神。工匠精神在当代的缺失,制约了我国制造业的进一步发展。重新审视中国的传统工艺与匠作传统,溯源中国的工匠精神,弘扬中国工匠文化的优良传统,是当今时代的需要。本讲座通过梳理中国传统工艺与工匠文化传统的形成与发展脉络,揭示匠作传统中的工匠精神及其内涵,探讨如何通过继承和弘扬中国的工匠精神,重构工匠文化,使工匠精神在现代生产和文化建设中发挥积极的作用。 Traditional crafts and trades have a long history in China, dating back to the pre-Qin period when a whole system of practices was formed. Much of today’s material cultural heritage is rooted in the skills of ancient craftsmen, who gave shape to a craft culture unique to China. But in our time, the dramatic decline of craftsmanship in productive practices is a weakness for the development of China’s manufacturing industry. This is why we need to revisit traditional craft practices, in order to […]

(De)Constructing Europe? Some Findings . . .

Bringing together nine researchers based in Hamburg, London, Rome, and Warsaw, the (De)Constructing Europe project (also known as the ‘Euroscepticism project’), sought to view the history of European integration through different lenses. Challenging an…

Chinese-European Academic Lecture No. 204

Technical learning is most often perceived as the result of pedagogical, scientific and experiential processes that seek efficiency and rely on clarity and transparency to guarantee success. The master makes the right gestures for an attentive apprentice who observes them in order to reproduce them. This lecture seeks to show, on the contrary, that a large part of the acquisition of technical skills is less about science, effective pedagogy and clarity than it is about magic, aesthetics and poetry. Using a variety of examples from […]