Conclusion of the international research network Bilderfahrzeuge
Am 30. Juni 2023 hat der internationale Forschungsverbund „Bilderfahrzeuge – Aby Warburgs Vermächtnis und die Zukunft der Ikonologie“ plangemäß seine Arbeit abgeschlossen.
Am 30. Juni 2023 hat der internationale Forschungsverbund „Bilderfahrzeuge – Aby Warburgs Vermächtnis und die Zukunft der Ikonologie“ plangemäß seine Arbeit abgeschlossen.
Der nun auslaufende Forschungsverbund “Bilderfahrzeuge – Aby Warburgs Legacy and the Future of Iconology” forschte zehn Jahre unter einem Logo, dem abschließend noch einige Anmerkungen gewidmet sein sollen. Es zeigt ein vom Wind aufgeblasenes Segeltuch, das ohne vertikalen Mast oder Bootskorpus an einem Quermast befestigt ist. Die Schlaufen sind verknotet und enden in je einer Troddel. Das Motiv zitiert ein Insignium des Florentiner Kaufmanns Giovanni Ruccellai vom Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts, das als vela gonfia seinerzeit als Symbol des erfolgreichen, prosperierenden Seehandels sowie als Sinnbild der wechselhaften Sturmfortuna gedeutet wurde, um auf das Verhältnis von Individuum und Schicksal anzuspielen
Our next project workshop will be held at GHI Warsaw, October 18-20. Contributions of all scientists involved in the project are planned. The preliminary detailed program for the workshop can be found here: Preliminary...
From William King, German Historical Institute London While democracy consists of more than just elections, at times elections do throw us a curveball. In the 1999 elections to the European Parliament in the United...
From Andrea Carlo Martinez, German Historical Institute Rome Last autumn, Italy’s most outspoken political firebrand – Giorgia Meloni – was appointed as prime minister. The first woman and far-right premier since the end...
Once a year the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) confers Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants to internationally oriented researchers in the humanities and social sciences who are in the qualification phase. The scientists conduct a…
From Katharina Troll and Alexander Hobe, Hamburg Institute for Social Research This article has previously appeared on H-Soz-Kult. Between 29 and 31 March 2023 the Hamburg Institute for Social Research hosted the international...
Start Date: 2024 Application closes on: 29 September 2023 The GHI London- India Research Programme and the Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies New Delhi invite applications for their first Tandem Fellowship for…
The M.S. Merian – R. Tagore Centre for Advanced Studies “Metamorphoses of the Political” (ICAS:MP), a project under the aegis the Max Weber Stiftung India Office, is looking for a Programme Officer (Finance). The…
Date: 11–21 September 2023 Venue: CSDS, Delhi Objective The 2023 autumn school of the M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies ‘Metamorphoses of the Political’ (ICAS:MP) is designed to offer broad-based…
Date: 3 – 4 August 2023 Co-organised by: Kalpita Bhar Paul (Krea University) Joya John (Krea University) Megnaa Mehtta (University College London/ ICAS:MP) Environmental humanities scholarship emerging from South Asia is either situated within a narrative of…
From Katharina Troll, Hamburg Institute of Social Research With the term “Europe train” many people might associate the Eurostar train or the famous Eurotunnel project which, since the 1990s, links the United Kingdom with...
Prof. Dr. Susanne Leeb
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Wednesday, 30 May 2023, 5.30 pm (BST)
ONLINE Lecture, hosted by the Warburg Institute.
Free and open to all via Zoom; booking will open soon via the Warburg Institute website.
Call for Papers, Closed Panels, and Making and Doing Presentations Deadline: May 26, 2023 (notification of acceptance on June 9) Society for Social Studies of Science invites submissions for papers, closed panels, and Making…
8-10 January 2024 Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, India Informalization is a key feature of contemporary capitalism. Until a few decades ago, the informal sector had been cast as an aspect of economic backwardness, to…