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Call for Applications: Travel Grants for Research in China in 2021

Apply now for travel grants to conduct research in China in 2021. The Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad (MWS) – awards travel grants once a year, with the generous support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. The grants will be awarded to scholars from sinology or related subjects of any nationality, whose professional qualification phase (PhD and postdoc) is concerned with Chinese history, language or culture in the broadest sense and for whose research a stay in China is indispensable. Every year, […]

Call for papers: special issue of Chinese Perspectives on ICH in China

Title: “Authenticating China. Governance and Valuation through Intangible Cultural Heritage“. Coordinators: Guillaume Dutournier (Centre EFEO de Pékin), Florence Padovani (CFC-Beijing) Conceptual Note (French version below): Since the Chinese authorities adopted the UNESCO Convention on “Intangible Cultural Heritage” (ICH) in 2004, the People’s Republic of China has seen the rise of …

Knowledge Notes

Fellowship: Binational Visiting Fellow Tandem Program in the History of Migration at GHI Pacific Regional Office in Berkeley. Application deadline: January 15, 2020. (Why migration on a blog about knowledge? See the Knowledge and Migration page on this site.) Reading: Martin Collins and Teasel Muir-Harmony, eds., Making the Pacific: Making Japanese-U.S. Relations: Science and Technology … Continue reading Knowledge Notes

Call for Applications

Global history – challenges and opportunities A winter school on global history for PhD and early career scholars in Germany and India New Delhi, 17-21 February 2020 Organised jointly by the Heidelberg Centre of Transcultural Studies, the India Branch Office of the Max Weber Stiftung and the German Historical Institute London Convenors: Debarati Bagchi, Felix Brahm, Pablo Holwitt, Monica Juneja and Indra Sengupta We invite applications from PhD and early career scholars (no more than 2 years post-PhD) from history and related disciplines at … Continue reading “Call for Applications”

Call for Applications: Travel Grants for Research in China in 2020

Apply now for travel grants to conduct research in China in 2020. The Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad (MWS) – awards travel grants once a year, with the generous support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. The grants will be awarded to scholars from sinology or related subjects of any nationality, whose professional qualification phase (PhD and postdoc) is concerned with Chinese history, language or culture in the broadest sense and for whose research a stay in China is indispensable. Every year, two […]

CfP | Chronopolitics: Time of Politics, Politics of Time, Politicized Time

London, 7-9 May 2020 | Deadline: 31 April 2019 Time is so deeply interwoven with all aspects of politics that its fundamental importance is frequently overlooked. Building on the work of Charles Maier and Christopher Clark, we define chronopolitics as research into ‘how politics is about time’ as well as what kind of time is ‘presupposed by politics’ (Clark), how the perception of time and change affect decision-making and how concepts of time and history give meaning and legitimacy to political actors, groups and … Continue reading CfP | Chronopolitics: Time of Politics, Politics of Time, Politicized Time

Gaetano Cozzi Prize for studies on the history of games 2018 call for submissions

Message from Gherardo Ortalli, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, for the third call for paper of the Gaetano Cozzi Price for early career researchers. Winners receive not only some money but also the possibility to be published in the very beautiful and well edited review « Ludica ». Want to participate? The deadline is  31st December 2018 and the regulations are to be found below: « As part of its long-standing support for research into games, festive events, sports and leisure activities in general up to the outbreak …

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